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Attention All Planets...

Posting will resume shortly. Sorry for the hiatus! Nedd to sit down and watch the new Snake & Arrows Live! DVD still.

Please stand by

Sorry for the delays...we'll be back to posting soon.

Rush Ticket Presale

Man, I hate presales sometimes.

Clicked over to the Rush tickets presale page, clicked to get to he show I wanted (Tinley Park), and went through minutes of "No tickets available" messages. Finally was offered section 205 about halfway back, then lost them (connection timed out) and had to start again from scratch.

I had heard they released tickets slowly and somewhat randomly, but I was surprised to find that a minute or so later, I was offered 20th row in the middle for the front section, 103. Score!

The only drawback is that the show's still five months away.

If you weren't so lucky, try seeing what Rush tickets are available at Check the Rush Tour Dates list here for other dates.

Welcome to Red Blogchetta

Red Blogchetta (yes, an extremely lame name, I know, I know) is a new weblog I've created to track news about the band Rush. I'll cover links to sites of interest to fans of the band and also track information about their upcoming studio album.


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