Recently in 2010 Tour Category

Wired: 12 Reasons Rush should be in the RRHOF

Alex Interview

The Lehigh Valley News has an interview with Alex that covers work on the new album and memories of making Moving Pictures. An excerpt:

Lifeson says the band has six songs pretty much ready to go and three others almost done. The group plans to write at least a couple of additional songs after the tour. At this point, the CD is shaping up to be a musically varied work.

"There is the epic song, 'Clockwork Angels,' which is really taking shape. It's a multi-parted piece, very dynamic," Lifeson says. "Then there's some stuff that's very melodic and on the softer side, on acoustic, with a strong melody. So there's great diversity there. Honestly, I can't wait until we start really working on these songs. We've sort of got them to the stage where Geddy and I were happy with the arrangements and then Neil kind of comes in and starts working on his drum arrangements, and they go from there. So they're sort of in that pre-drum stage right now, and it's great to see them come to life."

Rolling Stone interview with Alex

New interview with Alex over at Rolling Stone today.

Six songs recorded so far for Clockwork Angels. Sounds like they'll be touring behind it next year once it comes out:

Lifeson says Rush hopes to finish recording during the fall in time for a release in the spring of 2011, followed by a more extensive world tour.

On playing Moving Pictures in its entirety, which was Neil's idea:

Plus, 'Camera Eye' has been probably the top song on our request list from fans for several years, so it really gives us an opportunity to include it in the set and to present it with the full album."

Rush Interview at Rolling Stone

Brief interview about the documentary, upcoming tour, and new album over at Rolling Stone today.

Regarding being approached about the documentary:

"We thought, 'How foolish are these guys?' " Rush frontman Geddy Lee says. "We're just this dull band. I remember Neil [Peart] asked them rather pointedly, 'What's your angle? What's the story you want to tell?' They said, 'Well, to be honest, we don't know.' We liked that and said, 'Good luck, let you know what you want us to do.' "

Globe and Mail Interview with Geddy & Alex

Good interview over at the Globe and Mail with Geddy and Alex. Nice photo too.


When asked about Rush's late-career mainstream acceptance, Lee suggests it likely took root years ago. "Some of our fans have been profoundly affected by what we do," says the soft-spoken singer. "You hear about people who have been comforted by our music. And maybe, after a period of time, that fan base is growing up and coming to grips with their own experiences, and wanting to write books about them, and saying thank-you in movies."

Check out the slide show too.

New Rush Album: Clockwork Angels

A new song, Caravan, from Clockwork Angels will be released on June 1, 2010, along with the album track BU2B (which I'm guessing is an instrumental).


Rush's 20th studio album will be released some time in 2011.

More information:

Both "Caravan" and "BU2B" will also be offered as a special Limited Edition CD single, available to fans through the band's official website as well as through various pre-sale tour packages. For full details, please visit Rush's official website at

The Gibson Interview: Alex Lifeson

Part one of a two-part interview with Alex Lifeson is up at

New songs so far:

We've been doing some writing in the last couple of months. We have some stuff written, a couple of songs we wanted to release for the tour. In fact, what we talked about, originally, was just to play them live, not record them, and make it something kind of unique to the tour. But the more we got into them, the more we lived with those songs, the more we got into the idea of recording them. So they will probably be released by the end of July. Both of them.

Part two later this week.

Geddy interview over at Rolling Stone

There's a decent-length interview with Geddy over at Rolling Stone today.

Some tidbits:

On new songs:

...we'll probably release one as soon as it's ready, before the tour starts, and then probably release the second one as the tour starts. But our hope was to really get something down on tape, so we could play these songs live and road test them in a way. We're still kind of throwing titles back in forth, but one is called "Caravan."

On recording Tom Sawyer:

"Tom Sawyer" was in many ways the most difficult song to record on that record. I remember even though the writing of the song came together pretty quickly, putting it down on tape was a little difficult. We were trying different sounds, and going with a whole different approach to lyrics -- the kind of spoken word thing, getting the right sound for Alex's guitar, and so on. It was kind of a dark horse. And then in the mixing, it all came together. When we finished it, we were so pleased with what happened, because we kind of had the least expectations of it, because of the difficulty we had.I think a lot of musicians probably go through a similar thing, where they have this one song that they beat themselves up over, and then the next thing you know, it's their biggest song.


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