June 2008 Archives

Geddy Lee makes Donation to Negro Leagues Museum

There's a story in yesterday's Kansas City Star about Geddy Lee donating nearly 200 signed baseballs from his collection to the Negro Leagues Museum.
It's among the largest single donations the museum has had, according to director of marketing Bob Kendrick. It also represents some history the museum didn't previously have. "Some of these guys have been dead for some time, and we could not get these (signatures) before no matter what their significance was in the Negro Leagues," he said.
From the Winnipeg Free Press:
The members of Canadian rock band Rush have donated $100,000 from the sale of tickets to last weekend's Winnipeg concert to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The three band mates -- Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart -- also announced today they will be selling museum T-shirts at all of the remaining Canadian stops on their Snakes and Arrows Live concert tour, and donating all of the proceeds from those sales to the museum's $105-million private sector fund-raising campaign. "My band mates and I are proud to be associated with the creation of a Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg," Lee said in a written statement.
Quite cool! Word is that the shirts are already available for sale at the shows. Not sure if they'll have them for the US dates.


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